The Kubernetes Operator for Apache Spark aims to make specifying and running Spark applications as easy and idiomatic as running other workloads on Kubernetes. It uses Kubernetes custom resources for specifying, running and surfacing status of Spark applications.
In Spark 2.3, Kubernetes becomes an official scheduler backend for Spark, additionally to the standalone scheduler, Mesos, and Yarn. Compared with the alternative approach of deploying a standalone Spark cluster on top of Kubernetes and submit applications to run on the standalone cluster, having Kubernetes as a native scheduler backend offers some important benefits.
However, the way life cycle of Spark applications are managed, e.g. how applications get submitted to run on Kubernetes and how application status is tracked, are vastly different from other types of workloads on Kubernetes, e.g., deployments, daemonsets, and statefulsets.
After the installation, to make sure everything work as expected you can try out the spark-pi