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There are some concepts in the software engineering that are useful to know. I can use them to describe my experiences better and even use them to do things in a better way.

  • A dress rehearsal is a full-scale rehearsal where actors and musicians perform every detail of a performance.
  • Big bang deployment when you deploy by downtime
  • A canary deployment is a progressive rollout of an application that splits traffic between an already-deployed version and a new version, rolling it out to a subset of users before rolling out fully.
  • In blue–green deployments, two servers are maintained: a “blue” server and a “green” server. The blue version is the live version and green one is the backup one. At any given time, only one server is handling requests (e.g., being pointed to by the DNS).
  • The ‘E’, ‘S’, ‘G’ in ESG data stands for, “Environmental, Social, and Governance” – otherwise known as the three key components that companies will use to determine the environmental efficacy and sustainability of their cooperation.
  • A full-time equivalent, sometimes abbreviated as FTE, is a unit to measure employed persons or students in a way that makes them comparable, although they may work or study a different number of hours per week