Kubernetes for Prod, Tilt for Dev

Modern apps are made of too many services. They’re everywhere and in constant communication. Tilt powers microservice development and makes sure they behave!

Run tilt up to work in a complete dev environment configured for your team.

Tilt automates all the steps from a code change to a new process: watching files, building container images, and bringing your environment up-to-date. Think docker build && kubectl apply or docker-compose up.


When you run tilt up, Tilt looks for a special file named Tiltfile in the current directory, which defines your dev-environment-as-code.

A Tiltfile is written in Starlark, a simplified dialect of Python.

Because your Tiltfile is a program, you can configure it with familiar constructs like loops, functions, and arrays. This makes the Tiltfile more extensible than a configuration file format like JSON or YAML, which requires hard-coding all possible options upfront.