How to use LiteLLM
You can use LiteLLM through either:
- LiteLLM Proxy Server - Server (LLM Gateway) to call 100+ LLMs, load balance, cost tracking across projects
- LiteLLM python SDK - Python Client to call 100+ LLMs, load balance, cost tracking
When to use LiteLLM Proxy Server (LLM Gateway)
Use LiteLLM Proxy Server if you want a central service (LLM Gateway) to access multiple LLMs
Typically used by Gen AI Enablement / ML PLatform Teams
- LiteLLM Proxy gives you a unified interface to access multiple LLMs (100+ LLMs)
- Track LLM Usage and setup guardrails
- Customize Logging, Guardrails, Caching per project
When to use LiteLLM Python SDK
Use LiteLLM Python SDK if you want to use LiteLLM in your python code
Typically used by developers building llm projects
- LiteLLM SDK gives you a unified interface to access multiple LLMs (100+ LLMs)
- Retry/fallback logic across multiple deployments (e.g. Azure/OpenAI)
Set model list, api_base
, api_key
, temperature
& proxy server settings (master-key
) on the config.yaml.
Param Name | Description |
model_list | List of supported models on the server, with model-specific configs |
router_settings | litellm Router settings, example routing_strategy="least-busy" see all |
litellm_settings | litellm Module settings, example litellm.drop_params=True , litellm.set_verbose=True , litellm.api_base , litellm.cache see all |
general_settings | Server settings, example setting master_key: sk-my_special_key |
environment_variables | Environment Variables example, REDIS_HOST , REDIS_PORT |
All settings
environment_variables: {}
- model_name: string
model: azure/my_azure_deployment
api_base: os.environ/AZURE_API_BASE
api_key: "os.environ/AZURE_API_KEY"
api_version: "2024-07-01-preview" # [OPTIONAL] litellm uses the latest azure api_version by default
# An optional dictionary to provide additional information about the model.
# returned via GET /model/info
id: string
mode: embedding
input_cost_per_token: 0
output_cost_per_token: 0
max_tokens: 2048
base_model: gpt-4-1106-preview
# Logging/Callback settings
success_callback: ["langfuse"] # list of success callbacks
failure_callback: ["sentry"] # list of failure callbacks
callbacks: ["otel"] # list of callbacks - runs on success and failure
service_callbacks: ["datadog", "prometheus"] # logs redis, postgres failures on datadog, prometheus
turn_off_message_logging: boolean # prevent the messages and responses from being logged to on your callbacks, but request metadata will still be logged.
redact_user_api_key_info: boolean # Redact information about the user api key (hashed token, user_id, team id, etc.), from logs. Currently supported for Langfuse, OpenTelemetry, Logfire, ArizeAI logging.
langfuse_default_tags: [
] # default tags for Langfuse Logging
# Networking settings
request_timeout: 10 # (int) llm requesttimeout in seconds. Raise Timeout error if call takes longer than 10s. Sets litellm.request_timeout
force_ipv4: boolean # If true, litellm will force ipv4 for all LLM requests. Some users have seen httpx ConnectionError when using ipv6 + Anthropic API
set_verbose: boolean # sets litellm.set_verbose=True to view verbose debug logs. DO NOT LEAVE THIS ON IN PRODUCTION
json_logs: boolean # if true, logs will be in json format
# Fallbacks, reliability
default_fallbacks: ["claude-opus"] # set default_fallbacks, in case a specific model group is misconfigured / bad.
content_policy_fallbacks: [{ "gpt-3.5-turbo-small": ["claude-opus"] }] # fallbacks for ContentPolicyErrors
context_window_fallbacks: [{ "gpt-3.5-turbo-small": ["gpt-3.5-turbo-large", "claude-opus"] }] # fallbacks for ContextWindowExceededErrors
# Caching settings
cache: true
cache_params: # set cache params for redis
type: redis # type of cache to initialize
# Optional - Redis Settings
host: "localhost" # The host address for the Redis cache. Required if type is "redis".
port: 6379 # The port number for the Redis cache. Required if type is "redis".
password: "your_password" # The password for the Redis cache. Required if type is "redis".
namespace: "litellm.caching.caching" # namespace for redis cache
# Optional - Redis Cluster Settings
redis_startup_nodes: [{ "host": "", "port": "7001" }]
# Optional - Redis Sentinel Settings
service_name: "mymaster"
sentinel_nodes: [["localhost", 26379]]
# Optional - Qdrant Semantic Cache Settings
qdrant_semantic_cache_embedding_model: openai-embedding # the model should be defined on the model_list
qdrant_collection_name: test_collection
qdrant_quantization_config: binary
similarity_threshold: 0.8 # similarity threshold for semantic cache
# Optional - S3 Cache Settings
s3_bucket_name: cache-bucket-litellm # AWS Bucket Name for S3
s3_region_name: us-west-2 # AWS Region Name for S3
s3_aws_access_key_id: os.environ/AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID # us os.environ/<variable name> to pass environment variables. This is AWS Access Key ID for S3
s3_aws_secret_access_key: os.environ/AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY # AWS Secret Access Key for S3
s3_endpoint_url: # [OPTIONAL] S3 endpoint URL, if you want to use Backblaze/cloudflare s3 bucket
# Common Cache settings
# Optional - Supported call types for caching
["acompletion", "atext_completion", "aembedding", "atranscription"]
# /chat/completions, /completions, /embeddings, /audio/transcriptions
mode: default_off # if default_off, you need to opt in to caching on a per call basis
ttl: 600 # ttl for caching
message_logging: boolean # OTEL logging callback specific settings
completion_model: string
disable_spend_logs: boolean # turn off writing each transaction to the db
disable_master_key_return: boolean # turn off returning master key on UI (checked on '/user/info' endpoint)
disable_retry_on_max_parallel_request_limit_error: boolean # turn off retries when max parallel request limit is reached
disable_reset_budget: boolean # turn off reset budget scheduled task
disable_adding_master_key_hash_to_db: boolean # turn off storing master key hash in db, for spend tracking
enable_jwt_auth: boolean # allow proxy admin to auth in via jwt tokens with 'litellm_proxy_admin' in claims
enforce_user_param: boolean # requires all openai endpoint requests to have a 'user' param
allowed_routes: ["route1", "route2"] # list of allowed proxy API routes - a user can access. (currently JWT-Auth only)
key_management_system: google_kms # either google_kms or azure_kms
master_key: string
# Database Settings
database_url: string
database_connection_pool_limit: 0 # default 100
database_connection_timeout: 0 # default 60s
allow_requests_on_db_unavailable: boolean # if true, will allow requests that can not connect to the DB to verify Virtual Key to still work
custom_auth: string
max_parallel_requests: 0 # the max parallel requests allowed per deployment
global_max_parallel_requests: 0 # the max parallel requests allowed on the proxy all up
infer_model_from_keys: true
background_health_checks: true
health_check_interval: 300
alerting: ["slack", "email"]
alerting_threshold: 0
use_client_credentials_pass_through_routes: boolean # use client credentials for all pass through routes like "/vertex-ai", /bedrock/. When this is True Virtual Key auth will not be applied on these endpoints
litellm_settings - Reference
Name | Type | Description |
success_callback | array of strings | List of success callbacks. Doc Proxy logging callbacks, Doc Metrics |
failure_callback | array of strings | List of failure callbacks Doc Proxy logging callbacks, Doc Metrics |
callbacks | array of strings | List of callbacks - runs on success and failure Doc Proxy logging callbacks, Doc Metrics |
service_callbacks | array of strings | System health monitoring - Logs redis, postgres failures on specified services (e.g. datadog, prometheus) Doc Metrics |
turn_off_message_logging | boolean | If true, prevents messages and responses from being logged to callbacks, but request metadata will still be logged Proxy Logging |
modify_params | boolean | If true, allows modifying the parameters of the request before it is sent to the LLM provider |
enable_preview_features | boolean | If true, enables preview features - e.g. Azure O1 Models with streaming support. |
redact_user_api_key_info | boolean | If true, redacts information about the user api key from logs Proxy Logging |
langfuse_default_tags | array of strings | Default tags for Langfuse Logging. Use this if you want to control which LiteLLM-specific fields are logged as tags by the LiteLLM proxy. By default LiteLLM Proxy logs no LiteLLM-specific fields as tags. Further docs |
set_verbose | boolean | If true, sets litellm.set_verbose=True to view verbose debug logs. DO NOT LEAVE THIS ON IN PRODUCTION |
json_logs | boolean | If true, logs will be in json format. If you need to store the logs as JSON, just set the litellm.json_logs = True . We currently just log the raw POST request from litellm as a JSON Further docs |
default_fallbacks | array of strings | List of fallback models to use if a specific model group is misconfigured / bad. Further docs |
request_timeout | integer | The timeout for requests in seconds. If not set, the default value is 6000 seconds . For reference OpenAI Python SDK defaults to 600 seconds . |
force_ipv4 | boolean | If true, litellm will force ipv4 for all LLM requests. Some users have seen httpx ConnectionError when using ipv6 + Anthropic API |
content_policy_fallbacks | array of objects | Fallbacks to use when a ContentPolicyViolationError is encountered. Further docs |
context_window_fallbacks | array of objects | Fallbacks to use when a ContextWindowExceededError is encountered. Further docs |
cache | boolean | If true, enables caching. Further docs |
cache_params | object | Parameters for the cache. Further docs |
disable_end_user_cost_tracking | boolean | If true, turns off end user cost tracking on prometheus metrics + litellm spend logs table on proxy. |
disable_end_user_cost_tracking_prometheus_only | boolean | If true, turns off end user cost tracking on prometheus metrics only. |
key_generation_settings | object | Restricts who can generate keys. Further docs |
disable_add_transform_inline_image_block | boolean | For Fireworks AI models - if true, turns off the auto-add of #transform=inline to the url of the image_url, if the model is not a vision model. |
disable_hf_tokenizer_download | boolean | If true, it defaults to using the openai tokenizer for all models (including huggingface models). |
general_settings - Reference
Name | Type | Description |
completion_model | string | The default model to use for completions when model is not specified in the request |
disable_spend_logs | boolean | If true, turns off writing each transaction to the database |
disable_master_key_return | boolean | If true, turns off returning master key on UI. (checked on â/user/infoâ endpoint) |
disable_retry_on_max_parallel_request_limit_error | boolean | If true, turns off retries when max parallel request limit is reached |
disable_reset_budget | boolean | If true, turns off reset budget scheduled task |
disable_adding_master_key_hash_to_db | boolean | If true, turns off storing master key hash in db |
enable_jwt_auth | boolean | allow proxy admin to auth in via jwt tokens with âlitellm_proxy_adminâ in claims. Doc on JWT Tokens |
enforce_user_param | boolean | If true, requires all OpenAI endpoint requests to have a âuserâ param. Doc on call hooks |
allowed_routes | array of strings | List of allowed proxy API routes a user can access Doc on controlling allowed routes |
key_management_system | string | Specifies the key management system. Doc Secret Managers |
master_key | string | The master key for the proxy Set up Virtual Keys |
database_url | string | The URL for the database connection Set up Virtual Keys |
database_connection_pool_limit | integer | The limit for database connection pool Setting DB Connection Pool limit |
database_connection_timeout | integer | The timeout for database connections in seconds Setting DB Connection Pool limit, timeout |
allow_requests_on_db_unavailable | boolean | If true, allows requests to succeed even if DB is unreachable. Only use this if running LiteLLM in your VPC This will allow requests to work even when LiteLLM cannot connect to the DB to verify a Virtual Key |
custom_auth | string | Write your own custom authentication logic Doc Custom Auth |
max_parallel_requests | integer | The max parallel requests allowed per deployment |
global_max_parallel_requests | integer | The max parallel requests allowed on the proxy overall |
infer_model_from_keys | boolean | If true, infers the model from the provided keys |
background_health_checks | boolean | If true, enables background health checks. Doc on health checks |
health_check_interval | integer | The interval for health checks in seconds Doc on health checks |
alerting | array of strings | List of alerting methods Doc on Slack Alerting |
alerting_threshold | integer | The threshold for triggering alerts Doc on Slack Alerting |
use_client_credentials_pass_through_routes | boolean | If true, uses client credentials for all pass-through routes. Doc on pass through routes |
health_check_details | boolean | If false, hides health check details (e.g. remaining rate limit). Doc on health checks |
public_routes | List[str] | (Enterprise Feature) Control list of public routes |
alert_types | List[str] | Control list of alert types to send to slack (Doc on alert types)[./] |
enforced_params | List[str] | (Enterprise Feature) List of params that must be included in all requests to the proxy |
enable_oauth2_auth | boolean | (Enterprise Feature) If true, enables oauth2.0 authentication |
use_x_forwarded_for | str | If true, uses the X-Forwarded-For header to get the client IP address |
service_account_settings | List[Dict[str, Any]] | Set service_account_settings if you want to create settings that only apply to service account keys (Doc on service accounts)[./] |
image_generation_model | str | The default model to use for image generation - ignores model set in request |
store_model_in_db | boolean | If true, allows /model/new endpoint to store model information in db. Endpoint disabled by default. Doc on /model/new endpoint |
store_prompts_in_spend_logs | boolean | If true, allows prompts and responses to be stored in the spend logs table. |
max_request_size_mb | int | The maximum size for requests in MB. Requests above this size will be rejected. |
max_response_size_mb | int | The maximum size for responses in MB. LLM Responses above this size will not be sent. |
proxy_budget_rescheduler_min_time | int | The minimum time (in seconds) to wait before checking db for budget resets. Default is 597 seconds |
proxy_budget_rescheduler_max_time | int | The maximum time (in seconds) to wait before checking db for budget resets. Default is 605 seconds |
proxy_batch_write_at | int | Time (in seconds) to wait before batch writing spend logs to the db. Default is 10 seconds |
alerting_args | dict | Args for Slack Alerting Doc on Slack Alerting |
custom_key_generate | str | Custom function for key generation Doc on custom key generation |
allowed_ips | List[str] | List of IPs allowed to access the proxy. If not set, all IPs are allowed. |
embedding_model | str | The default model to use for embeddings - ignores model set in request |
default_team_disabled | boolean | If true, users cannot create âpersonalâ keys (keys with no team_id). |
alert_to_webhook_url | Dict[str] | Specify a webhook url for each alert type. |
key_management_settings | List[Dict[str, Any]] | Settings for key management system (e.g. AWS KMS, Azure Key Vault) Doc on key management |
allow_user_auth | boolean | (Deprecated) old approach for user authentication. |
user_api_key_cache_ttl | int | The time (in seconds) to cache user api keys in memory. |
disable_prisma_schema_update | boolean | If true, turns off automatic schema updates to DB |
litellm_key_header_name | str | If set, allows passing LiteLLM keys as a custom header. Doc on custom headers |
moderation_model | str | The default model to use for moderation. |
custom_sso | str | Path to a python file that implements custom SSO logic. Doc on custom SSO |
allow_client_side_credentials | boolean | If true, allows passing client side credentials to the proxy. (Useful when testing finetuning models) Doc on client side credentials |
admin_only_routes | List[str] | (Enterprise Feature) List of routes that are only accessible to admin users. Doc on admin only routes |
use_azure_key_vault | boolean | If true, load keys from azure key vault |
use_google_kms | boolean | If true, load keys from google kms |
spend_report_frequency | str | Specify how often you want a Spend Report to be sent (e.g. â1dâ, â2dâ, â30dâ) More on this |
ui_access_mode | Literal[âadmin_onlyâ] | If set, restricts access to the UI to admin users only. Docs |
litellm_jwtauth | Dict[str, Any] | Settings for JWT authentication. Docs |
litellm_license | str | The license key for the proxy. Docs |
oauth2_config_mappings | Dict[str, str] | Define the OAuth2 config mappings |
pass_through_endpoints | List[Dict[str, Any]] | Define the pass through endpoints. Docs |
enable_oauth2_proxy_auth | boolean | (Enterprise Feature) If true, enables oauth2.0 authentication |
forward_openai_org_id | boolean | If true, forwards the OpenAI Organization ID to the backend LLM call (if itâs OpenAI). |
forward_client_headers_to_llm_api | boolean | If true, forwards the client headers (any x- headers) to the backend LLM call |
environment variables - Reference
Name | Description |
ACTIONS_ID_TOKEN_REQUEST_TOKEN | Token for requesting ID in GitHub Actions |
ACTIONS_ID_TOKEN_REQUEST_URL | URL for requesting ID token in GitHub Actions |
AISPEND_ACCOUNT_ID | Account ID for AI Spend |
AISPEND_API_KEY | API Key for AI Spend |
ALLOWED_EMAIL_DOMAINS | List of email domains allowed for access |
ARIZE_API_KEY | API key for Arize platform integration |
ARIZE_SPACE_KEY | Space key for Arize platform |
ARGILLA_BATCH_SIZE | Batch size for Argilla logging |
ARGILLA_API_KEY | API key for Argilla platform |
ARGILLA_SAMPLING_RATE | Sampling rate for Argilla logging |
ARGILLA_DATASET_NAME | Dataset name for Argilla logging |
ARGILLA_BASE_URL | Base URL for Argilla service |
ATHINA_API_KEY | API key for Athina service |
ATHINA_BASE_URL | Base URL for Athina service (defaults to ) |
AUTH_STRATEGY | Strategy used for authentication (e.g., OAuth, API key) |
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID | Access Key ID for AWS services |
AWS_PROFILE_NAME | AWS CLI profile name to be used |
AWS_REGION_NAME | Default AWS region for service interactions |
AWS_ROLE_NAME | Role name for AWS IAM usage |
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY | Secret Access Key for AWS services |
AWS_SESSION_NAME | Name for AWS session |
AWS_WEB_IDENTITY_TOKEN | Web identity token for AWS |
AZURE_API_VERSION | Version of the Azure API being used |
AZURE_AUTHORITY_HOST | Azure authority host URL |
AZURE_CLIENT_ID | Client ID for Azure services |
AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET | Client secret for Azure services |
AZURE_FEDERATED_TOKEN_FILE | File path to Azure federated token |
AZURE_KEY_VAULT_URI | URI for Azure Key Vault |
AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_KEY | The Azure Storage Account Key to use for Authentication to Azure Blob Storage logging |
AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME | Name of the Azure Storage Account to use for logging to Azure Blob Storage |
AZURE_STORAGE_FILE_SYSTEM | Name of the Azure Storage File System to use for logging to Azure Blob Storage. (Typically the Container name) |
AZURE_STORAGE_TENANT_ID | The Application Tenant ID to use for Authentication to Azure Blob Storage logging |
AZURE_STORAGE_CLIENT_ID | The Application Client ID to use for Authentication to Azure Blob Storage logging |
AZURE_STORAGE_CLIENT_SECRET | The Application Client Secret to use for Authentication to Azure Blob Storage logging |
AZURE_TENANT_ID | Tenant ID for Azure Active Directory |
BERRISPEND_ACCOUNT_ID | Account ID for BerriSpend service |
BRAINTRUST_API_KEY | API key for Braintrust integration |
CIRCLE_OIDC_TOKEN | OpenID Connect token for CircleCI |
CIRCLE_OIDC_TOKEN_V2 | Version 2 of the OpenID Connect token for CircleCI |
CONFIG_FILE_PATH | File path for configuration file |
CUSTOM_TIKTOKEN_CACHE_DIR | Custom directory for Tiktoken cache |
DATABASE_HOST | Hostname for the database server |
DATABASE_NAME | Name of the database |
DATABASE_PASSWORD | Password for the database user |
DATABASE_PORT | Port number for database connection |
DATABASE_SCHEMA | Schema name used in the database |
DATABASE_URL | Connection URL for the database |
DATABASE_USER | Username for database connection |
DATABASE_USERNAME | Alias for database user |
DATABRICKS_API_BASE | Base URL for Databricks API |
DD_BASE_URL | Base URL for Datadog integration |
DATADOG_BASE_URL | (Alternative to DD_BASE_URL) Base URL for Datadog integration |
_DATADOG_BASE_URL | (Alternative to DD_BASE_URL) Base URL for Datadog integration |
DD_API_KEY | API key for Datadog integration |
DD_SITE | Site URL for Datadog (e.g., |
DD_SOURCE | Source identifier for Datadog logs |
DD_ENV | Environment identifier for Datadog logs. Only supported for datadog_llm_observability callback |
DD_SERVICE | Service identifier for Datadog logs. Defaults to âlitellm-serverâ |
DD_VERSION | Version identifier for Datadog logs. Defaults to âunknownâ |
DEBUG_OTEL | Enable debug mode for OpenTelemetry |
DIRECT_URL | Direct URL for service endpoint |
DISABLE_ADMIN_UI | Toggle to disable the admin UI |
DISABLE_SCHEMA_UPDATE | Toggle to disable schema updates |
DOCS_DESCRIPTION | Description text for documentation pages |
DOCS_FILTERED | Flag indicating filtered documentation |
DOCS_TITLE | Title of the documentation pages |
DOCS_URL | The path to the Swagger API documentation. By default this is â/â |
EMAIL_SUPPORT_CONTACT | Support contact email address |
GCS_BUCKET_NAME | Name of the Google Cloud Storage bucket |
GCS_PATH_SERVICE_ACCOUNT | Path to the Google Cloud service account JSON file |
GCS_FLUSH_INTERVAL | Flush interval for GCS logging (in seconds). Specify how often you want a log to be sent to GCS. Default is 20 seconds |
GCS_BATCH_SIZE | Batch size for GCS logging. Specify after how many logs you want to flush to GCS. If BATCH_SIZE is set to 10, logs are flushed every 10 logs. Default is 2048 |
GCS_PUBSUB_TOPIC_ID | PubSub Topic ID to send LiteLLM SpendLogs to. |
GCS_PUBSUB_PROJECT_ID | PubSub Project ID to send LiteLLM SpendLogs to. |
GENERIC_AUTHORIZATION_ENDPOINT | Authorization endpoint for generic OAuth providers |
GENERIC_CLIENT_ID | Client ID for generic OAuth providers |
GENERIC_CLIENT_SECRET | Client secret for generic OAuth providers |
GENERIC_CLIENT_STATE | State parameter for generic client authentication |
GENERIC_INCLUDE_CLIENT_ID | Include client ID in requests for OAuth |
GENERIC_SCOPE | Scope settings for generic OAuth providers |
GENERIC_TOKEN_ENDPOINT | Token endpoint for generic OAuth providers |
GENERIC_USER_DISPLAY_NAME_ATTRIBUTE | Attribute for userâs display name in generic auth |
GENERIC_USER_EMAIL_ATTRIBUTE | Attribute for userâs email in generic auth |
GENERIC_USER_FIRST_NAME_ATTRIBUTE | Attribute for userâs first name in generic auth |
GENERIC_USER_ID_ATTRIBUTE | Attribute for user ID in generic auth |
GENERIC_USER_LAST_NAME_ATTRIBUTE | Attribute for userâs last name in generic auth |
GENERIC_USER_PROVIDER_ATTRIBUTE | Attribute specifying the userâs provider |
GENERIC_USER_ROLE_ATTRIBUTE | Attribute specifying the userâs role |
GENERIC_USERINFO_ENDPOINT | Endpoint to fetch user information in generic OAuth |
GALILEO_BASE_URL | Base URL for Galileo platform |
GALILEO_PASSWORD | Password for Galileo authentication |
GALILEO_PROJECT_ID | Project ID for Galileo usage |
GALILEO_USERNAME | Username for Galileo authentication |
GREENSCALE_API_KEY | API key for Greenscale service |
GREENSCALE_ENDPOINT | Endpoint URL for Greenscale service |
GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS | Path to Google Cloud credentials JSON file |
GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID | Client ID for Google OAuth |
GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET | Client secret for Google OAuth |
GOOGLE_KMS_RESOURCE_NAME | Name of the resource in Google KMS |
HF_API_BASE | Base URL for Hugging Face API |
HCP_VAULT_ADDR | Address for Hashicorp Vault Secret Manager |
HCP_VAULT_CLIENT_CERT | Path to client certificate for Hashicorp Vault Secret Manager |
HCP_VAULT_CLIENT_KEY | Path to client key for Hashicorp Vault Secret Manager |
HCP_VAULT_NAMESPACE | Namespace for Hashicorp Vault Secret Manager |
HCP_VAULT_TOKEN | Token for Hashicorp Vault Secret Manager |
HCP_VAULT_CERT_ROLE | Role for Hashicorp Vault Secret Manager Auth |
HELICONE_API_KEY | API key for Helicone service |
HOSTNAME | Hostname for the server, this will be emitted to datadog logs |
HUGGINGFACE_API_BASE | Base URL for Hugging Face API |
IAM_TOKEN_DB_AUTH | IAM token for database authentication |
JSON_LOGS | Enable JSON formatted logging |
JWT_AUDIENCE | Expected audience for JWT tokens |
JWT_PUBLIC_KEY_URL | URL to fetch public key for JWT verification |
LAGO_API_BASE | Base URL for Lago API |
LAGO_API_CHARGE_BY | Parameter to determine charge basis in Lago |
LAGO_API_EVENT_CODE | Event code for Lago API events |
LAGO_API_KEY | API key for accessing Lago services |
LANGFUSE_DEBUG | Toggle debug mode for Langfuse |
LANGFUSE_FLUSH_INTERVAL | Interval for flushing Langfuse logs |
LANGFUSE_HOST | Host URL for Langfuse service |
LANGFUSE_PUBLIC_KEY | Public key for Langfuse authentication |
LANGFUSE_RELEASE | Release version of Langfuse integration |
LANGFUSE_SECRET_KEY | Secret key for Langfuse authentication |
LANGSMITH_API_KEY | API key for Langsmith platform |
LANGSMITH_BASE_URL | Base URL for Langsmith service |
LANGSMITH_BATCH_SIZE | Batch size for operations in Langsmith |
LANGSMITH_DEFAULT_RUN_NAME | Default name for Langsmith run |
LANGSMITH_PROJECT | Project name for Langsmith integration |
LANGSMITH_SAMPLING_RATE | Sampling rate for Langsmith logging |
LANGTRACE_API_KEY | API key for Langtrace service |
LITERAL_API_KEY | API key for Literal integration |
LITERAL_API_URL | API URL for Literal service |
LITERAL_BATCH_SIZE | Batch size for Literal operations |
LITELLM_DONT_SHOW_FEEDBACK_BOX | Flag to hide feedback box in LiteLLM UI |
LITELLM_DROP_PARAMS | Parameters to drop in LiteLLM requests |
LITELLM_EMAIL | Email associated with LiteLLM account |
LITELLM_GLOBAL_MAX_PARALLEL_REQUEST_RETRIES | Maximum retries for parallel requests in LiteLLM |
LITELLM_GLOBAL_MAX_PARALLEL_REQUEST_RETRY_TIMEOUT | Timeout for retries of parallel requests in LiteLLM |
LITELLM_HOSTED_UI | URL of the hosted UI for LiteLLM |
LITELLM_LICENSE | License key for LiteLLM usage |
LITELLM_LOCAL_MODEL_COST_MAP | Local configuration for model cost mapping in LiteLLM |
LITELLM_LOG | Enable detailed logging for LiteLLM |
LITELLM_MODE | Operating mode for LiteLLM (e.g., production, development) |
LITELLM_SALT_KEY | Salt key for encryption in LiteLLM |
LITELLM_TOKEN | Access token for LiteLLM integration |
LITELLM_PRINT_STANDARD_LOGGING_PAYLOAD | If true, prints the standard logging payload to the console - useful for debugging |
LOGFIRE_TOKEN | Token for Logfire logging service |
MICROSOFT_CLIENT_ID | Client ID for Microsoft services |
MICROSOFT_CLIENT_SECRET | Client secret for Microsoft services |
MICROSOFT_TENANT | Tenant ID for Microsoft Azure |
NO_DOCS | Flag to disable documentation generation |
NO_PROXY | List of addresses to bypass proxy |
OAUTH_TOKEN_INFO_ENDPOINT | Endpoint for OAuth token info retrieval |
OPENAI_API_KEY | API key for OpenAI services |
OPENAI_ORGANIZATION | Organization identifier for OpenAI |
OPENID_BASE_URL | Base URL for OpenID Connect services |
OPENID_CLIENT_ID | Client ID for OpenID Connect authentication |
OPENID_CLIENT_SECRET | Client secret for OpenID Connect authentication |
OPENMETER_API_ENDPOINT | API endpoint for OpenMeter integration |
OPENMETER_API_KEY | API key for OpenMeter services |
OPENMETER_EVENT_TYPE | Type of events sent to OpenMeter |
OTEL_ENDPOINT | OpenTelemetry endpoint for traces |
OTEL_ENVIRONMENT_NAME | Environment name for OpenTelemetry |
OTEL_EXPORTER | Exporter type for OpenTelemetry |
OTEL_HEADERS | Headers for OpenTelemetry requests |
OTEL_SERVICE_NAME | Service name identifier for OpenTelemetry |
OTEL_TRACER_NAME | Tracer name for OpenTelemetry tracing |
PAGERDUTY_API_KEY | API key for PagerDuty Alerting |
POD_NAME | Pod name for the server, this will be emitted to datadog logs as POD_NAME |
PREDIBASE_API_BASE | Base URL for Predibase API |
PRESIDIO_ANALYZER_API_BASE | Base URL for Presidio Analyzer service |
PRESIDIO_ANONYMIZER_API_BASE | Base URL for Presidio Anonymizer service |
PROMETHEUS_URL | URL for Prometheus service |
PROMPTLAYER_API_KEY | API key for PromptLayer integration |
PROXY_ADMIN_ID | Admin identifier for proxy server |
PROXY_BASE_URL | Base URL for proxy service |
PROXY_LOGOUT_URL | URL for logging out of the proxy service |
PROXY_MASTER_KEY | Master key for proxy authentication |
QDRANT_API_BASE | Base URL for Qdrant API |
QDRANT_API_KEY | API key for Qdrant service |
QDRANT_URL | Connection URL for Qdrant database |
REDIS_HOST | Hostname for Redis server |
REDIS_PASSWORD | Password for Redis service |
REDIS_PORT | Port number for Redis server |
REDOC_URL | The path to the Redoc Fast API documentation. By default this is â/redocâ |
SERVER_ROOT_PATH | Root path for the server application |
SET_VERBOSE | Flag to enable verbose logging |
SLACK_DAILY_REPORT_FREQUENCY | Frequency of daily Slack reports (e.g., daily, weekly) |
SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL | Webhook URL for Slack integration |
SMTP_HOST | Hostname for the SMTP server |
SMTP_PASSWORD | Password for SMTP authentication |
SMTP_PORT | Port number for SMTP server |
SMTP_SENDER_EMAIL | Email address used as the sender in SMTP transactions |
SMTP_SENDER_LOGO | Logo used in emails sent via SMTP |
SMTP_TLS | Flag to enable or disable TLS for SMTP connections |
SMTP_USERNAME | Username for SMTP authentication |
SPEND_LOGS_URL | URL for retrieving spend logs |
SSL_CERTIFICATE | Path to the SSL certificate file |
SSL_VERIFY | Flag to enable or disable SSL certificate verification |
SUPABASE_KEY | API key for Supabase service |
SUPABASE_URL | Base URL for Supabase instance |
TEST_EMAIL_ADDRESS | Email address used for testing purposes |
UI_LOGO_PATH | Path to the logo image used in the UI |
UI_PASSWORD | Password for accessing the UI |
UI_USERNAME | Username for accessing the UI |
UPSTREAM_LANGFUSE_DEBUG | Flag to enable debugging for upstream Langfuse |
UPSTREAM_LANGFUSE_HOST | Host URL for upstream Langfuse service |
UPSTREAM_LANGFUSE_PUBLIC_KEY | Public key for upstream Langfuse authentication |
UPSTREAM_LANGFUSE_RELEASE | Release version identifier for upstream Langfuse |
UPSTREAM_LANGFUSE_SECRET_KEY | Secret key for upstream Langfuse authentication |
USE_AWS_KMS | Flag to enable AWS Key Management Service for encryption |
WEBHOOK_URL | URL for receiving webhooks from external services |
Cache LLM Responses. Send the same request twice:
curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"model": "gpt-3.5-turbo",
"messages": [{"role": "user", "content": "write a poem about litellm!"}],
"temperature": 0.7
curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"model": "gpt-3.5-turbo",
"messages": [{"role": "user", "content": "write a poem about litellm!"}],
"temperature": 0.7